Friday, February 23, 2018

Psychedelic - February 23, 2018

- Top surgery coming up! Same day as Mark Hamill's star
- Gâteau de chocolat
- Scar comparisons

- A week and a half later once everyone is recovered from their injuries, the team is sent to the forward operating base, "Wild Fury"
- There have been more attacks than usual and that's not usual
- The base is acting as / protecting a supply depot with a train line about three hours away
- Commander Dawkins recommends a heavier loadout than the last mission
- Loadout is collected the team heads out.
- The base is an octagonal walled campus with a lookout tower at each corner
- N calls their contact, Lt Felix Collins, who grumpily gets the gates open for them.
- He tells them that manticores, minotaurs, and ogres, oh my.
- He calls over Sgt Gallagher. to brief us in full
- She says they come several times a day from the surrounding forest from various directions. There is no pattern to the times or direction.
- N leads & follows some minotaur tracks into the deep, dark woods.
- At some point, the tracks just disappear
- There is a hissing sound behind the team. It is a pair of manticores,
- Anders manages to launch a grenade and mess one up
- Noän throws up a bubble shield around the team
- Grim throws a fireball at the injured manticore killing it
- N calls to Wild Fury for reinforcements, but they are being attacked by ogres
- A reloads the grenade launch
- G throws a bolt of energy in the manticore's face stunning it for a few seconds
- N drops the shield and they run as far as possible while the A shots another grenade right into the thing's maw
- It explodes, and A takes some shrapnel in the armor and some chem from the poison
- N puts out the fire with ice/water magic, but there are a few smoldering bits they have to stamp out
- On the way back they run into the team coming to rescue them, N falls out from exhaustion, their shield took quite a pounding from that manticore
- They get back to the base and are met by Sgt Gallagher
- In the infirmary, Anders gets an anti-anesthetic for his face, which pretty quickly starts to get feeling back
- While A is in medical and N is resting, Grim goes to one of the watchtowers and focuses some magical energy to examine the residual tracks of the attacks, and there were some inside the base
- G's vision is now being affected because everything is basically glowing psychedelically
- They take N to the place in the base where they saw tracks, and N detects that something small (like a goblin or a knocker) has been inside the base

Friday, February 16, 2018

En flambé - February 16, 2018

- The Milo Saga. Milo has died. Long live Milo.
- Doggo with glaucoma
- More about the Boobs
- Trivia Game

- The MedEvac has left and the Team sits in the van discussing options when the van suddenly lurches backward, towards the lake
- One of the tires pops as the Iku-Turso rocks the van side to side
- Grim leans out of a window and shots it with her 9mm giving 2 Harm to the creature then ducks back into the van but the creature smashes the window on her side
- Anders has the presence of mind to maneuver the van between the creature and the lake, but the tire shreds in the process
- Noän waits a brief second for the creature to appear in front of the broken window then throws a tight fireball at it for 1 Harm
- The creature threads a tentacle through the window toward N but A throws himself between them take a slice to the chest in the process (1 Harm total)
- N grabs the tentacle with her hands and pumps pure magical heat energy into the creature's tentacle
- G does the same from a pool of their own blood, but it's enough extra energy that the creature incinerates
- Anders patches up G while N changes a tire
- They head back to the city A drives while N calls in medical assistance request for G
- Anders drives through the night and the medics are waiting as they arrive around dawn

Friday, February 2, 2018

That Will Look Terrible in the Report - February 2, 2018

- Boobs
- Apple Pie!

- The team gathers a bucket and entrails from Old Ben which they use to try to bait the large creature in the lake
- Anders tosses one large chunk into the lake, then there are large bubbles before the water stills again
- Anders tosses another piece slightly closer in, then hands the bucket to Grim putting on night vision goggles and readying his gun
- Noän readies a magic net
- Grim takes the bucket and dribbles chum at the very edge of the water then makes a trail of food onto land
- A large shape backlit by the setting sun rises behind Grim. They sense the cold behind them and start running, throwing the bucket aside.
- N throws a magic net pulling the creature out of the water and anchors it to the bank of the lake
- Anders shoots the creature for 3 Harm, but gets scraped by a clawed tentacle
- The creature starts thrashing back towards the water dragging N with it
- G loses their head and jumps the creature taking a tusk to the belly for 4 Harm
- The creature thrashes and manages to get its feet back into the water
- N tries to stand their ground tightening the net, but does manage to anchor it (9 on Act Under Pressure)
- Anders shoots some more giving the creature 3-Harm but some of the bullets ricochet beating her armor up some more
- G is laying in the dirt and observes that the monster's hide is slippery with mucus, so he could probably be dehydrated, but that would take time. He's cold, so heat would probably be a good weapon, but its weakest point is the tentacles.
- N finally manages to tighten the net enough to slow the creature to a stop and then pumps some heat into the lines of the nets, but the net explodes with a bright flash throwing N back and the monster farther forward into the lake, and it disappears from view

- N is unconscious because of energy drain
- G is Unstable
- A needs new armor

- Old Ben creaks his door open and asks if it's dead yet
- ANG must admit that it got away
- A patches up G - no longer Unstable
- OB wakes up N with something terribly stinky, then gets them some dense, dark bread spread with honey that revives them enough to get proper rations from the van
- A submits the photographs and a report, but while they are resting they hear gunfire from across the lake for a minute or two before it stops
- ANG dive into the van and start driving to the other side of the lake
- As they drive up to the Stanton homestead, the headlights illuminate a trail of blood
- G yells for Robert, and they hear a groan over by the lake
- G stays in the van, but A and N hop out and start searching for Robert. A goes one way, and N the other.
- N doesn't see any bubbles, so she approaches the water and sees Robert. N dashes over and calls for A.
- They carry him away from the water so they can't be jumped while treating his several wounds.
- He's just conscious enough to tell them that the creature took Pearl
- A tries first aid, but it doesn't go well, so N calls for a MedEvac
- A calls Commander to try to negotiate for a harpoon gun and a winch at minimum and an additional squad to help surround the lake if possible
- There is no harpoon gun, but he sends SCUBA gear (3x) and a grenade launcher and two more pairs of night vision goggles
- N forwards the report to Harrison who calls to tell them the name of the creature, an Iku-Tarso, which is Finnish.
- An hour later, the Med helicopter arrives, but Robert has passed
- The medics check the wound beneath A's field dressing and then wrap them back up
- G has a crazy idea to drop a sheep into the lake to draw the creature out again, but they're the only one who thinks it's a good idea