Friday, January 12, 2018

Up from the Depths - January 12, 2018

- Noän compiles a report on their observations on the creature and sends it to Commander Dawkins
- Anders calls in to the Commander to verbalize their findings and receives the command to stay and protect the population until the lab can analyze their report
- Anders and Grim borrow a small row boat and go out to the center of the lake to listen and see what they can - Grim tries to measure the depth of the lake with some fishing line, but it is jerked out of their hand. The boat is then attacked by something much larger than the creatures that came ashore in the night and gouges a scratch all the way through the hull. Anders has to book it to make it to shore before the boat sinks
- Pearl offers sandwiches to the trio. They are very nice sandwiches.
- After lunch, the trio go to the van to have naps so as to be refreshed to try to set a trap for the creature, but they are woken by Anders's perscom beeping.
- Harrison Bell from "the lab" has called to let them know the creature is a Grindylow, but if weak to anything, it is weak to fire
-  The trio drives around the lake and sees that Old Ben is now the only rancher who has livestock in easy view of the lake, so the party sets up on his land for the night
- Old Ben wants in on the stakeout
- Just like the previous night, we don't realize anything is happening until we're right in the middle of it.
- Noän manages to net the three grindylows who have gone for a cow.
- Anders goes to shot at the grindylows in the net when he is jumped by another who wasn't under the net making him shot the poor cow instead
- Grimsley stops filming the encounter and throws a fire ball at the netted creatures, who are singed, but it confused Old Ben who turns and unloads some buckshot at them (Grim is now bleeding with 2 harm)
- Anders manages to slice off one of the arms of the grindylow who is grappling him
- Grim dashes over and stabs the grappling grindylow in the back killing it, but gets a good
- Anders stands up and unloads a sub-machine gun into the surviving netted creatures killing them
- Old Ben is right pleased with himself until Grim and Noän remind him that he shot Grim
- Anders uses his army first aid training to patch up Grim
- The squad ties the dead cow to the van and drag it to the barn where he butches what he can from the animal (waste not want not)
- During their next watch, Noän sees a large something surface in the lake. It is mound shape, but it is too far to see any distinguishing features.
- Old Ben provides steak and eggs to the trio for breakfast in recompense for shooting Grim
-  Anders sends a report to the Commander about Noän's observations on the large creature in the lake while Noän finally sleeps
- Around noon Dawkins calls Anders for a verbal report, but he is not pleased with how long this is taking
- Anders and Grim wake Noän and plan:
- Noän will generate a magical rope like the net, and then use it and the van to try to fish the creature shallow enough for Anders to shot it with the sub-machine gun

Friday, January 5, 2018

In the Beginning - January 5, 2018

General Notes:

PersCom - Think smart watch
                - Used for local communication
                - Comm range of 50 miles
                - Data access 10 miles
                - Charge themselves with movement, solar, magic, or something unless story or excess use dictates otherwise
                - Can photograph, video & audio record also

Anders - First Lieutenant
Noän - Second Lieutenant
Grim - not in the army


- Anders's PersCom beeps calling him to the armory. Grim and Noän are already waiting there as well.
- Older man walks in with silver hair and a large scar on the side of his face, Commander Dawkins, he is in charge of creating a task force to deal with outlying problems.
- Halkirk to the northwest, a small ranching village (like 20 residents), some of the cattle have gone missing. It's weird and they want a specialized team to investigate. Near a moderately sized lake. Settlement coordinator is Bonnie Hancock.
- O3 get their load outs and then pile into Anders's Humvee and head to Halkirk
- Most of the missing sheep have disappear from Robert Stanton's field, so she gives coordinates to his place. Old school looking farmhouse and large barn. All looks normal at first glance. His wife is Pearl.
- O3 examines the latest kill site. It's a bloody bit of ground with a few tufts of wool stuck in the grass nearby. N tried to examine the area around the spot, but doesn't find anything.
- The next oldest kill spot is also mostly a bloody spot, but Robert had found an ear here. G find some small footprints that are about palm-sized and look like lizard footprints.
- Robert doesn't recognize the tracks. Grim photographs them.
- There are young ruffians who live "up the road" to the "north" that Robert suspects.
- Ben Hascomb has also lost a sheep or two also. He lives to the west.
- O3 returns to the Humvee and heads to the Hascomb ranch
- Old Ben (very gray and wrinkled, wearing faded coveralls) is sitting on his porch holding a rifle. He has a dead cow. He saw the cow fall over, but by the time he got to the cow's location, there was a bloody patch and some entrails. Ground is almost muddy with blood. There are more of the curious tracks. They lead to the lake.
- Noän walks to the water's edge and touches the surface with their fingertips spreading their magically senses throughout the water. They gets a brief sense of claws, teeth, and deep cold before they fall backward onto their butt.
- Grim asks Old Ben if anyone besides Robert has lost livestock.
- Bill's land also abuts the lake, but he hasn't lost any animals yet.
- Pearl makes muttonchops for the party, but Grim has a homebrew as well
- Lt Dalgaard sets up with first watch. It is very boring right up until a sheep screams. He sees what looks like several smallish creatures tearing at the body of the animal that seems to be organizing themselves to pick the sheep up and carry it into the lake.
- There are four or five of them. They seems to be humanoid reptilians 
- Noän casts a light spell, then a small fire ball. One of the creatures takes a direct hit and catches fire.
- It starts running around setting some grass on fire before Anders shoots it dead. The rest of the creatures scurry to drag the sheep into the water.
- O3 work to put out the grass fire, but it spreads until a good bit of the pasture burns, but all but the latest sheep survive.
- They examine the little corpse. It has black bulbous eyes, mottled black skin, webbed feet and hands that also have hooked claws on the fingers, no more than 3' tall.